Friday 11 December 2009

A Thought on Social Networking

I have been trying to see what there is around of quality which does not require you to spend a lot of money and does not have those annoying offers around every corner (or on the next page. Many of them just will not allow you to view a site with any speed at all.

There are still some sites, which while being commercial, offer their users a part of the rewards they are reaping. Some of these sites are featured elsewhere on this page, and are well worth looking at in detail. Even if payment is small, bringing your friends in will increase it exponentially.

One more thought, certain social networking sites have threatened (or so it is rumoured) to become pay sites. Given that there are other places which do the same thing, although they are comparatively small at present, would it not be better for the large sites to at least stay free and therefore have the numbers which give them the vast advertising income they enjoy, rather than have people overcome their inertia and move to socialise somewhere they actually are rewarded for it.

Please leave a comment if you want further details.


  1. I'd be very surprised if the big social networks went to a paid version. I do see them creating a free membership and a paid membership sides.

    Enjoyed the post!

    Ana Hoffman/YourNetBiz Mentor

  2. hey i just past by ur site and it is great i will be following with every single day and see some of ur ads take care boddy
